Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia
Europe :Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
GCC :Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Providing complete, accurate and compliant waybill and customs invoice (Commercial/Proforma) details is essential for a successful customs clearance. Shipments will not clear customs unless data and paperwork are accurate and fully complete.
One key element is to ensure complete and accurate goods descriptions. Shippers must provide complete information, with sufficient detail about the precise nature of goods in plain language, such as: Women’s T-Shirt made of cotton. Generic descriptions such as “samples” or “spare parts” are not allowed.
Goods shipped internationally are classified under commodity codes (known as Harmonized System codes) for customs clearance purposes. This code is pre-defined by the World Customs Organization and customs regulations.
The commodity code is a critical piece of information for when goods are submitted to the customs authority, as it will help determine benefits or requirements for the specific good and what duties and taxes will apply.
Depending on local legislation and regulations, the import or export of certain goods may be restricted or prohibited. It is the customs authority that has the regulatory mandate of enforcing these rules.
Furthermore, each and every local customs authority has the legislative power to set its own import and export fiscal charges depending on the type of shipment it processes and relevant regulatory frameworks.
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